Next generation Magnetic Field Sensor

Magnetic field sensor &
Database AI analysis

JIKAI edge

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” developed by W.S.P. is an innovative remote magnetic field sensor with a performance far exceeding conventional sensors. This sensor significantly increases the search efficiency and can be used in various applications. It can be introduced at an impressively low cost. The obtained data can be analyzed with AI, making it possible to measure targets in further detail. The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” is expected to be extremely successful in various research activities and businesses.

Deeper, wider, more accurate
Introducing the next generation of magnetic field sensor

“JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” will set new standards for searching. This sensor, with a performance that significantly exceeds conventional sensors, can accurately search for metals in the ground and water. It boasts an unparalleled ability to detect even the deepest secrets. With this revolutionary technology, searching for hidden resources and valuable metals will be more efficient than ever, opening the doors to unexplored territories.
Experience new discoveries with this sensor.

Detect and measure magnetism with the remote magnetic field sensor

Increase the ability to search for targets by suppressing sensor noise to the minimum

Analyze the search results with AI and create a database to increase the measurement accuracy

The data on the searched targets is stored as a database. The targets can be measured in detail by analyzing this database with AI. Even detailed information that could not be identified with conventional methods can be more accurately understood with the AI’s advanced analysis capabilities.

AI analysis of search results for more accurate and efficient target measurement

Compilation of database further enhances the analysis accuracy

Performance that significantly transcends common sense

Amazingly, the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” has a significantly higher performance and lower cost than the mainstream magnetic field sensors currently available worldwide. This feature has advantages over conventional products in all aspects of the user’s business and projects.

Comparison with conventional products

* Comparison with main product groups most commonly used worldwide at this time.

High detection performance

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” performance is approx. two times higher than the conventional sensor, and continues to improve to three or even four times higher. There has never been a magnetic field sensor that can search such a wide range.

compact size

With a size of just 18 cm high x 17 cm wide, JIKAI is just 1/12th of a typical, conventional magnetic field sensor. This small size enables use for various applications.


In addition to size, we have also significantly reduced the cost. Magnetic field sensors are much easier to introduce now and will help accelerate surveys and business.

Synergy with Technology

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” merits are not limited to performance and cost.
JIKAI further expands possibilities through integration with IoT and Web3. These merits will dramatically improve efficiency and universality and allow JIKAI to be implemented in large-scale projects.

Linked with GPS to save position
and aging information of targets in map database

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” is linked with GPS. Accurate position information on the detected metals is saved as map data so it can be used to formulate future survey plans and to track aging changes over a long time. For example, the position of landmines buried underground and any changes can be confirmed chronologically. This technology is highly anticipated to be used in various fields, such as the removal of landmines and underwater mines, resource surveys, and environment monitoring.

Data is recorded in blockchains,
realizing strong security and permanent management

The detection data of "JIKAI edge AI SENSOR" can be recorded on the blockchain.This combination enables immutability and permanent management of the data. Once the information is recorded, it is maintained with strong security measures. This sensor is an innovative solution in areas where reliable data management is required, from business security to national security levels.

Achieving high mobility
and convenience by mounting on compact drones

The size is another feature of this sensor. The extremely compact sensor can be easily mounted on aerial drones as well as on drones used for underwater exploration, allowing the exploration of unknown areas from the skies or in the water. With this combination, the compact sensor with powerful detection capabilities opens up a new world of exploration.

reveals the unknown and contributes to resolving various social issues.

1. Landmine removal

JIKAI will significantly shorten the time required to remove landmines, which it has been said will take “1,000 years to eradicate.” We hope to contribute to world peace by resolving such severe issues in conflict areas.

Accelerating investigations with wide-range search technology

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” revolutionizes the efficiency of landmine detection.
With the ability to scan a wide range at once, landmines in a large area can be identified quickly. The work time is significantly shorter compared to conventional search methods, allowing surveys to be conducted quickly. These wide-range searches and the precise results that are obtained make it possible to dramatically improve the landmine detection work efficiency.

High safety
Replacing human search work with drones

Our extremely compact sensor can be mounted on drones. This means that drones can safely replace the dangerous search for landmines that humans have traditionally carried out.
The ability to detect large areas without human intervention dramatically reduces the risk of accidents and allows for more efficient searches.

Visualizing discovered landmines with map data
Simplifying long-term projects

Information on the location of detected landmines is linked to GPS and recorded on map data.
With this function, the distribution of landmines in the search area can be visualized, greatly improving work efficiency, planning ability, and safety.
The records can also be used to check progress and as reference data when searching again.

2. Underwater surveys

JIKAI can be mounted on a submersible drone to conduct underwater surveys.
Applications are diverse, from searching for metal resources, surveying sunken vessels, to searching for underwater mines.

Mounting on submersible drones for deep-sea surveys

Combining the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” with W.S.P.’s submersible drone technology makes deep-sea exploration even more efficient. For example, accurate surveys can be conducted even in difficult deep-sea areas, revealing unknown areas. A wide ocean area can be searched efficiently by towing this sensor with a ship.

Discovering marine resources and exploring sunken shipwrecks

Underwater exploration is evolving dramatically to search for rare metals, particularly cobalt-rich crusts. JIKAI will greatly expand the scope of resource exploration and has the potential to solve resource problems. In addition, this sensor will make it easier to detect sunken shipwrecks and undersea ruins that were previously difficult to find due to darkness and low transparency.
Discovery of the unknown will be a reality and a new standard for seafloor surveying will be set.

Removing underwater mines

JIKAI revolutionizes and optimizes the search for underwater mines. The submersible drone equipped with the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” can safely search for underwater mines using remote operations. Combining these technologies promises to improve work efficiency and ensure sea safety by accurately identifying the exact location and type of mines within a wide area and allowing the mine-clearing work to proceed smoothly and safely.

3. Archaeological surveys

JIKAI can be used to search for archaeological ruins and artifacts buried in the ground.
The data is recorded on the blockchain as academic data and passed on to the future, contributing to archeology.

Discovering precious metals buried in historic ruins

The “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” detects subterranean metals extensively, deeply, and precisely, making it a powerful tool for archaeological exploration. Metal artifacts buried in the ground or water can be found with great accuracy, even without excavation. It would be no surprise if “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” opens new pages in history.

Recording in blockchain to pass on to the future

W.S.P. combines the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” with our original 3D device to make precise 3D scans of all world heritage sites, archaeological sites, and underwater ruins on Earth and record them as academic data on blockchain. Our goal is to pass on the data as humankind’s treasures to the future.

4. Remote area surveys and space development

There are high expectations for the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR” in various places and applications.

Remote area surveys

Combined with W.S.P’s original manned flying drone, JIKAI will make conducting surveys in difficult terrains and environments easier. This combination will make exploration of remote areas such as mountainous terrain, jungles, and remote islands smoother and more accurate. We will integrate this sensor and drone to open new possibilities for exploring undeveloped areas.

Exploring outer space

In the future, we expect to conduct exploration activities in outer space.
The search for space metals that are said to exist in outer space is gaining attention as the frontier for new resource development. Highly accurate exploration, even in remote outer space, will be possible by utilizing this sensor to its fullest potential and will aid in discovering unknown resources. We will contribute to pioneering the new space era and resolving resource problems with this technology.

- Example of use -
Exploring the oceans in a project with the University of Tokyo

W.S.P. and the University of Tokyo are conducting ambitious ocean research in a joint exploration project using the “JIKAI edge AI SENSOR.”

(Please look forward to research reports and press releases for the project results.)
* Some photos are images.

Company overview

American Headquarters / World Scan Project, Inc.

Address of American Headquarters
Address of American Showroom

Japanese Headquarters / World Scan Project Corporation

Address of Japanese Headquarters

Our business

Main Business
R & D, design, manufacture, sales and export of robots, drones, Web3 infrastructure, general-purpose IoT terminals and other related products.
  • Kyushu University
  • Nagoya University
  • JICA
  • University, High School, Middle School,
  • Elementary School, Nursery School and Crum School,
  • Renewable Energy Companies,
  • National Geographic,
  • Walt Disney Television,
  • Others.

The World Scan Project continues discovering the unknown and bringing new value to society.

Feel free to contact us for more information on our services.

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